Premium Mail CP

Add Multiple Email Users

Step. I. Login to Premium Mail Control Panel. Click on the 'Mail' tab and click 'Add Bulk Users' from the listed menu.

Step. II. 'Add Bulk Users' page appears. Create a CSV (comma-separated value) file containing details of all your users. You can create this file using such software as Microsoft Office Excel, or Calc. The model and sample csv for download are available in the 'section 1' of the 'Add Bulk Users' page.

Upload this csv file to your account by click on 'Browse; (3) and select the saved file. Click on 'Upload and continue' button.

Note:It may take a while for the accounts to be created, depending on the number of users you have uploaded. You will receive an email confirmation once the accounts are added.

Related articles
  1. Accessing the Premium Mail Control Panel (CP)
  2. Export Users /Accounts list

Remember to inform your users once their accounts have been added and provide them the username and password to access their account.