Media Streaming

How can I embedding MPEG-4 Media Files?

The following is the code to embed a MPEG-4 media file for use with QuickTime.

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="256" >
<PARAM NAME="src" VALUE="myvideofile.mp4">
<PARAM NAME="autoplay" VALUE="true">
<PARAM NAME="controller" value="true">
<EMBED SRC="QTMimeType.pntg" TYPE="image/x-macpaint"
PLUGINSPAGE="" QTSRC="myvideofile.mp4"
WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="256" AUTOPLAY="true" CONTROLLER="true">

Look at the code

There are two tags that are neccessary: <object> and <embed>. The <object> tag is for Internet Explorer. The <embed> tag is for Firefox, etc For both the <object> tag and the <embed> tag use true (yes) or false (no).

  • <object> Tag Parameters -When setting the <object> tag parameters, be sure to always enclose parameter values in double quotation marks.
    • classid="..." - This tells the browser what filetype will be loaded, and what application should handle it. This should be copied completely.
    • codebase="..." - This tells the browser where to find QuickTime movie player if it is not already installed. If it is not, it will install automatically if the user allows it to.
    • width and height - When setting the width and height, be sure you set them for at least the width and height of the file itself.
  • param name="src" value="..." - This is the URL to your file.
  • param name="autoplay" value="..."- If set to "true", the video clip will begin playing as soon as it completes downloading. The default is set by the user in the settings.
  • param name="controller" value="..." - If set to "true", the movie controllers will be visible. If this is omitted, the default will be set to "true".
  • <embed> Tag Parameters - The <embed> tag basically is a duplicate of the <object> tag but is needed to reach just about all other browsers other then Windows IE. All the parameters: width="..." height="..." play="..." loop="..." quality="high", are the same.
    pluginspage="..." - This is the <embed> tag attribute that tells the browser where to find QuickTime movie player if it is not already installed. If it is not, it will install automatically if the user allows it to.