Media Streaming
How can I embedding Windows Media Audio files?
Windows Media wraps all media elements into one Active Streaming File (.asf ), Microsoft's proprietary streaming media format. Audio may also be saved as nonstreaming Windows Media Audio format (.wma). Windows Media Audio files are encoded using the special Windows Media Audio codec. which is ideal for all types of audio at bit rates from 16 Kbps to 192 Kbps. Users must have the Version 8 player to hear audio encoded with the Version 8 codec, so use Version 7 if you don't wish to force your users to upgrade. For voice-only audio at low bit rates (8 Kbps), use the alternative ACELP codec.
The Windows Media system has its advantages and disadvantages. On the good side, the server software comes free with Windows NT Server 4.0 and later, and there are no charges for streams as there is with RealMedia.
The disadvantages to Windows Media are that the server only runs on Windows NT and it doesn't support Flash or SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) like RealMedia. Also, although there is a Windows Media Player for the Mac, it lags behind the Windows version in terms of features and performance, so Mac users may miss your content.
<OBJECT ID="WinMedia"
CODEBASE= ",1,52,701"
width=160 height=120 standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..."
<PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="yourfile.asx">
<PARAM NAME="AutoStart" Value="true">
<PARAM NAME="ShowControls" Value="true">
<Embed type="application/x-mplayer2"