Domain - General

What are the informations required for registering a domain name?
For registering a domain name with a Registrar generally, you need to provide the following information: -
  1. Registrant: - This is the company or individual to whom the domain name actually belongs.
  2. Administrative Contact - This is a person authorised to make certain changes to the domain name, such as alter the address associated with that domain name.
  3. Technical Contact: - This is a person authorised to make certain changes to the domain name, such as alter the DNS servers associated with that domain name.
  4. Billing Contact - This is the person to whom all bills and other correspondence will be sent.. Notes: 1) It is possible to specify the same person or company for each of A-D above, In practice, there is very little to distinguish the roles of B-D.
You can create a member account in domain. We can add excess fund as per your request. Using this fund you can register your domain at your convenience.