E-mail Trouble Shooting

What does 'the following addresses had permanent fatal errors', 'host unknown' means?
This message is sent back to you, the sender, from the SMTP server. The server is telling you that the "host" you tried to send e-mail to does not exist. The "host" is just the domain name proceeding the "@" in the e-mail address. In the case of job@webcircuitIndia.com, the host would be webcircuitindia.

If you tried to send a letter via postal mail to a non-existent address, the mail would eventually come back to you with "address unknown" stamped on it by the post office. Similarly, if the host does not exist, then e-mail cannot be delivered, and it is returned to the original sender with a similar message.

You will need to verify the spelling of the domain name. Make sure this domain name exists (is registered and in use) otherwise your e-mail will continue to bounce.
Keep your address book always update.