What is uptime?

By: Team (Support)   Posted on: January 4, 2012

Uptime is the length of time a system has been running continuously. This is usually listed as a percentage, like "99.9% uptime." Uptime is a great measure of how good a Web hosting provider is at keeping their systems up and running. Our Uptime Guarantee is very simple. We guarantee that your web site will experience 99% or better uptime during the course of any calendar month.

Here are some mathematical explanations of uptimes:

98.0% uptime = 28.8 minutes/day or 3.4 hours/week or 14.4 hours/month or 7.3 days/year
99.0% uptime = 14.4 minutes/day or 1.7 hours/week or 7.2 hours/month or 3.65 days/year
99.5% uptime = 7.2 minutes/day or 0.84 hours/week or 3.6 hours/month or 1.83 days/year
99.9% uptime = 1.44 minutes/day or 0.17 hours/week or 0.72 hours/month or 8.8 hours/year

When hosting providers calculate their uptime (normally on a monthly basis), they follow a set of rules ,
  1. Not counting maintenance downtime – If a hosting company interrupts the service for two hours to perform planned maintenance, this will often not be counted into the uptime percentage.
  2. Not counting shorter periods of downtime – Perhaps the most prominent example of this is Google Apps (including Gmail) which won’t count any downtime that is shorter than 10 minutes.
  3. Only counting network downtime – Applicable to dedicated hosting services becuse the customer has control over the server.

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